Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
בוודאי, אשמח להסביר מדוע מדובר בפרדוקס מסוג Veridical.
פרדוקס Veridical הוא סוג של פרדוקס שבו התוצאה נראית מפתיעה או סותרת את האינטואיציה שלנו, אך למעשה היא נכונה ומתיישבת עם המציאות. במקרה זה:
התוצאה המפתיעה: כל החובות שולמו, אף אחד לא הרוויח, ואף אחד לא הפסיד, למרות שלכאורה לא נוצר ערך חדש.
הסיבה שזה נכון: הכסף שהופקד על ידי האורח העשיר שימש כ"קטליזטור" לסילוק שרשרת החובות שכבר הייתה קיימת. הוא לא יצר ערך חדש, אלא אפשר את הזזת הכסף הקיים בין האנשים.
מדוע זה נראה פרדוקסלי: האינטואיציה שלנו אומרת שכדי לסלק חובות, מישהו צריך להרוויח או להפסיד, או שצריך להיכנס כסף חדש למערכת. כאן, לכאורה, נוצר "יש מאין".
ההסבר: למעשה, כל החובות והנכסים היו קיימים מלכתחילה. הפיקדון הזמני רק אפשר את הזזת הכסף בין האנשים, מה שהוביל לאיזון החשבונות.
זהו פרדוקס Veridical כי למרות שהתוצאה נראית מפתיעה או בלתי אפשרית במבט ראשון, היא למעשה הגיונית לחלוטין כאשר מנתחים אותה לעומק. הפרדוקס מדגים את החשיבות של הבנת מחזור הכסף בכלכלה ואת האופן שבו חובות ונכסים יכולים להתאזן ללא יצירת ערך חדש.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
The intelligence modalities:
Logical-mathematical - logic, abstractions, reasoning, numbers, critical thinking, etc.
Linguistic-verbal - reading, writing, articulation ideas, memorizing, etc.
Visual-spatial - navigation, visualization, faces or scene recognition, attention to details…
Musical-rhythmic and harmonic - sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody or timbre.
Bodily-kinesthetic - control of bodily motions, handling of objects, training responses, etc.
Intrapersonal - introspective and self-reflective capacities.
Interpersonal - social skills, cooperation, reading and manipulating other people, etc.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
The intelligence modalities:
Logical-mathematical - logic, abstractions, reasoning, numbers, critical thinking, etc.
Linguistic-verbal - reading, writing, articulation ideas, memorizing, etc.
Visual-spatial - navigation, visualization, faces or scene recognition, attention to details…
Musical-rhythmic and harmonic - sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody or timbre.
Bodily-kinesthetic - control of bodily motions, handling of objects, training responses, etc.
Intrapersonal - introspective and self-reflective capacities.
Interpersonal - social skills, cooperation, reading and manipulating other people, etc.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
The intelligence modalities:
Logical-mathematical - logic, abstractions, reasoning, numbers, critical thinking, etc.
Linguistic-verbal - reading, writing, articulation ideas, memorizing, etc.
Visual-spatial - navigation, visualization, faces or scene recognition, attention to details…
Musical-rhythmic and harmonic - sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody or timbre.
Bodily-kinesthetic - control of bodily motions, handling of objects, training responses, etc.
Intrapersonal - introspective and self-reflective capacities.
Interpersonal - social skills, cooperation, reading and manipulating other people, etc.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
The intelligence modalities:
Logical-mathematical - logic, abstractions, reasoning, numbers, critical thinking, etc.
Linguistic-verbal - reading, writing, articulation ideas, memorizing, etc.
Visual-spatial - navigation, visualization, faces or scene recognition, attention to details…
Musical-rhythmic and harmonic - sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody or timbre.
Bodily-kinesthetic - control of bodily motions, handling of objects, training responses, etc.
Intrapersonal - introspective and self-reflective capacities.
Interpersonal - social skills, cooperation, reading and manipulating other people, etc.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
The intelligence modalities:
Logical-mathematical - logic, abstractions, reasoning, numbers, critical thinking, etc.
Linguistic-verbal - reading, writing, articulation ideas, memorizing, etc.
Visual-spatial - navigation, visualization, faces or scene recognition, attention to details…
Musical-rhythmic and harmonic - sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody or timbre.
Bodily-kinesthetic - control of bodily motions, handling of objects, training responses, etc.
Intrapersonal - introspective and self-reflective capacities.
Interpersonal - social skills, cooperation, reading and manipulating other people, etc.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
The intelligence modalities:
Logical-mathematical - logic, abstractions, reasoning, numbers, critical thinking, etc.
Linguistic-verbal - reading, writing, articulation ideas, memorizing, etc.
Visual-spatial - navigation, visualization, faces or scene recognition, attention to details…
Musical-rhythmic and harmonic - sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody or timbre.
Bodily-kinesthetic - control of bodily motions, handling of objects, training responses, etc.
Intrapersonal - introspective and self-reflective capacities.
Interpersonal - social skills, cooperation, reading and manipulating other people, etc.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
The intelligence modalities:
Logical-mathematical - logic, abstractions, reasoning, numbers, critical thinking, etc.
Linguistic-verbal - reading, writing, articulation ideas, memorizing, etc.
Visual-spatial - navigation, visualization, faces or scene recognition, attention to details…
Musical-rhythmic and harmonic - sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody or timbre.
Bodily-kinesthetic - control of bodily motions, handling of objects, training responses, etc.
Intrapersonal - introspective and self-reflective capacities.
Interpersonal - social skills, cooperation, reading and manipulating other people, etc.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Epistemic theories of truth
What is truth? How to know that a proposition is true?
Verificationist approaches:
A-priorism / Certainty theory – a proposition is true iff it is known with certainty or can be proven.
Positivism – a proposition is true iff it is verifiable by sensory experiences.
Perspectivist/relativist approaches:
Individualist perspectivism (This is my truth!)
Collectivist perspectivism – the proposition is true based on a consensus of a relevant group (e.g., scientific community, proletariat, authority, oppressed minorities).
Transcendental perspectivism – the truth-conferring perspective is outside of immediate human reach (e.g., God or Nature).
Pragmatic approaches:
Completed science (limit of scientific inquiry) – the proposition is true iff it will be accepted in the long run by scientists using scientific ration inquiry.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge- e.g.,
the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Epistemic theories of truth
What is truth? How to know that a proposition is true?
Verificationist approaches:
A-priorism / Certainty theory – a proposition is true iff it is known with certainty or can be proven.
Positivism – a proposition is true iff it is verifiable by sensory experiences.
Perspectivist/relativist approaches:
Individualist perspectivism (This is my truth!)
Collectivist perspectivism – the proposition is true based on a consensus of a relevant group (e.g., scientific community, proletariat, authority, oppressed minorities).
Transcendental perspectivism – the truth-conferring perspective is outside of immediate human reach (e.g., God or Nature).
Pragmatic approaches:
Completed science (limit of scientific inquiry) – the proposition is true iff it will be accepted in the long run by scientists using scientific ration inquiry.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge- e.g.,
the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Epistemic theories of truth
What is truth? How to know that a proposition is true?
Verificationist approaches:
A-priorism / Certainty theory – a proposition is true iff it is known with certainty or can be proven.
Positivism – a proposition is true iff it is verifiable by sensory experiences.
Perspectivist/relativist approaches:
Individualist perspectivism (This is my truth!)
Collectivist perspectivism – the proposition is true based on a consensus of a relevant group (e.g., scientific community, proletariat, authority, oppressed minorities).
Transcendental perspectivism – the truth-conferring perspective is outside of immediate human reach (e.g., God or Nature).
Pragmatic approaches:
Completed science (limit of scientific inquiry) – the proposition is true iff it will be accepted in the long run by scientists using scientific ration inquiry.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge- e.g.,
the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Epistemic theories of truth
What is truth? How to know that a proposition is true?
Verificationist approaches:
A-priorism / Certainty theory – a proposition is true iff it is known with certainty or can be proven.
Positivism – a proposition is true iff it is verifiable by sensory experiences.
Perspectivist/relativist approaches:
Individualist perspectivism (This is my truth!)
Collectivist perspectivism – the proposition is true based on a consensus of a relevant group (e.g., scientific community, proletariat, authority, oppressed minorities).
Transcendental perspectivism – the truth-conferring perspective is outside of immediate human reach (e.g., God or Nature).
Pragmatic approaches:
Completed science (limit of scientific inquiry) – the proposition is true iff it will be accepted in the long run by scientists using scientific ration inquiry.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge- e.g.,
the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Epistemic theories of truth
What is truth? How to know that a proposition is true?
Verificationist approaches:
A-priorism / Certainty theory – a proposition is true iff it is known with certainty or can be proven.
Positivism – a proposition is true iff it is verifiable by sensory experiences.
Perspectivist/relativist approaches:
Individualist perspectivism (This is my truth!)
Collectivist perspectivism – the proposition is true based on a consensus of a relevant group (e.g., scientific community, proletariat, authority, oppressed minorities).
Transcendental perspectivism – the truth-conferring perspective is outside of immediate human reach (e.g., God or Nature).
Pragmatic approaches:
Completed science (limit of scientific inquiry) – the proposition is true iff it will be accepted in the long run by scientists using scientific ration inquiry.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge- e.g.,
the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Epistemic theories of truth
What is truth? How to know that a proposition is true?
Verificationist approaches:
A-priorism / Certainty theory – a proposition is true iff it is known with certainty or can be proven.
Positivism – a proposition is true iff it is verifiable by sensory experiences.
Perspectivist/relativist approaches:
Individualist perspectivism (This is my truth!)
Collectivist perspectivism – the proposition is true based on a consensus of a relevant group (e.g., scientific community, proletariat, authority, oppressed minorities).
Transcendental perspectivism – the truth-conferring perspective is outside of immediate human reach (e.g., God or Nature).
Pragmatic approaches:
Completed science (limit of scientific inquiry) – the proposition is true iff it will be accepted in the long run by scientists using scientific ration inquiry.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge- e.g.,
the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Epistemic theories of truth
What is truth? How to know that a proposition is true?
Verificationist approaches:
A-priorism / Certainty theory – a proposition is true iff it is known with certainty or can be proven.
Positivism – a proposition is true iff it is verifiable by sensory experiences.
Perspectivist/relativist approaches:
Individualist perspectivism (This is my truth!)
Collectivist perspectivism – the proposition is true based on a consensus of a relevant group (e.g., scientific community, proletariat, authority, oppressed minorities).
Transcendental perspectivism – the truth-conferring perspective is outside of immediate human reach (e.g., God or Nature).
Pragmatic approaches:
Completed science (limit of scientific inquiry) – the proposition is true iff it will be accepted in the long run by scientists using scientific ration inquiry.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge- e.g.,
the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Epistemic theories of truth
What is truth? How to know that a proposition is true?
Verificationist approaches:
A-priorism / Certainty theory – a proposition is true iff it is known with certainty or can be proven.
Positivism – a proposition is true iff it is verifiable by sensory experiences.
Perspectivist/relativist approaches:
Individualist perspectivism (This is my truth!)
Collectivist perspectivism – the proposition is true based on a consensus of a relevant group (e.g., scientific community, proletariat, authority, oppressed minorities).
Transcendental perspectivism – the truth-conferring perspective is outside of immediate human reach (e.g., God or Nature).
Pragmatic approaches:
Completed science (limit of scientific inquiry) – the proposition is true iff it will be accepted in the long run by scientists using scientific ration inquiry.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge- e.g.,
the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Epistemic theories of truth
What is truth? How to know that a proposition is true?
Verificationist approaches:
A-priorism / Certainty theory – a proposition is true iff it is known with certainty or can be proven.
Positivism – a proposition is true iff it is verifiable by sensory experiences.
Perspectivist/relativist approaches:
Individualist perspectivism (This is my truth!)
Collectivist perspectivism – the proposition is true based on a consensus of a relevant group (e.g., scientific community, proletariat, authority, oppressed minorities).
Transcendental perspectivism – the truth-conferring perspective is outside of immediate human reach (e.g., God or Nature).
Pragmatic approaches:
Completed science (limit of scientific inquiry) – the proposition is true iff it will be accepted in the long run by scientists using scientific ration inquiry.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge- e.g.,
the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Epistemic theories of truth
What is truth? How to know that a proposition is true?
Verificationist approaches:
A-priorism / Certainty theory – a proposition is true iff it is known with certainty or can be proven.
Positivism – a proposition is true iff it is verifiable by sensory experiences.
Perspectivist/relativist approaches:
Individualist perspectivism (This is my truth!)
Collectivist perspectivism – the proposition is true based on a consensus of a relevant group (e.g., scientific community, proletariat, authority, oppressed minorities).
Transcendental perspectivism – the truth-conferring perspective is outside of immediate human reach (e.g., God or Nature).
Pragmatic approaches:
Completed science (limit of scientific inquiry) – the proposition is true iff it will be accepted in the long run by scientists using scientific ration inquiry.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge- e.g.,
the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues.
לפני 7 חודשים
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam