Several variants of distorting the original proposition:
Oversimplifying an opponent's argument:
Aborting an embryo is ending a human live.
So you’re saying it’s a murder?
Grossly exaggerating an opponent's argument:
The embryo is growing inside the mother, so she should decide its future.
So you’re saying that she should be able to kill the baby whenever she wants?
Shachar Adam0 נקודות ·
יותר מ-6 חודשים
( תגובות)
מוניטין: 126
Quoting an opponent's words out of context or misquoting them altogether:
Changing the term social-democracy to socialism
Presenting someone who defends a position poorly as the defender
Moshiko can’t talk about theology because he is an atheist.
- Tu Quoque (Whataboutism)
is discrediting an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument