False equivalence –
describing a situation of logical and apparent equivalence, when in fact there is none.
What type of fallacy is found in the statement: "In order to really look at the problem of global warming, we must first consider how the homeless suffer when it is cold"?
Discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument.
כן, זה נכון ואולי יש פה מעט צביעות, אך זה לא קשור לטענה.
Which fallacy is demonstrated in the statement: "It is warmer this year in Las Vegas as compared to last year; therefore, global warming is rapidly accelerating"?
Cherry Picking ( e.g.) – presenting only the supporting cases and ignoring the rest.
Choosing a representative data sample is critical in many science fields
What type of fallacy is found in the statement: "Climate change deniers believe that there is no warming although the data clearly shows otherwise"?
זה ייצוג לא נכון של מה שהם אומרים, איש קש
giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.
Which fallacy is illustrated in the statement: "Global warming will destroy the Earth - sea levels will rise, many parts of the world will become deserts, and many animal species will become extinct"?
A salesman will tell you only the good sides of the product.
במקרה הזה אולי מתארים רק את המקרה הרע. יש האומרים שהתחממות במקומות מסוימים עשויה להיות חיובית.
What type of fallacy is present in the statement: "There is no global warming since the average temperature from 1998 to 2012 was the same"?
הגזמה של מה שג'ון אומר. הוא רק אומר ששימוש בספריי לשיער יפגע בסביבה ובכך יתרום להתחממות הגלובלית, שהיא מסוכנת.
What type of fallacy is found in the statement: "We have to deal with global warming because every generation has its struggles, our grandparents had to deal with WW2, our fathers had to deal with the Cold War, and this is our war!"?