The necessity to act fast - categories
In order to avoid problems, we’re motivated to preserve our autonomy and status in a group, and to avoid irreversible decisions.
According to Ockham's razor, what is the assumption about explanations?
This statement refers to the phenomenon where individuals modify or strengthen memories after the fact, leading to inaccuracies or distortions. It encompasses various cognitive biases such as misattribution of memory, source confusion, and false memory. These biases can result in individuals attributing memories to incorrect sources, blending details from different events, or even recalling events that never actually occurred.
How to know what needs to be remembered for later?
We edit and reinforce some memories after the fact.
We discard specifics to form generalities.
We reduce events and lists to their key elements.
We store memories differently based on how they were experienced.
זה מקרה של We discard specifics to form generalities.
What is the phenomenon called when memories associated with negative emotions fade more quickly than those associated with positive emotions?