שונות פבמשלמ

לחץ כאן לכל השאלות

מהו השלב השני בפתרון חידת היגיון?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
George Polya suggested 4 important steps: Understand the problem Devise a plan Carry out the plan Review/extend Second principle: Devise a plan There are many useful technics to solve different problems. Some of them are: Logical reasoning Pattern recognition Reduction - transform the problem into a solved problem Solve a simpler related problem Reformulate the problem- adopt a different point of view Intelligent guessing and testing Work backward Consider special cases Organize the data Divide and conquer Make a visual representation “Shake the box”

* השאלה נוספה בתאריך: 19-06-2024