שונות פבמשלמ

לחץ כאן לכל השאלות

Which subtrait of Openness to Experience involves an interest in art and beauty?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · יותר מ-6 חודשים
מוניטין: 126
Openness to experience Openness - the tendency to be open to new aesthetic, cultural, or intellectual experiences. Ideas/Intellectual interest- desire to investigate, observe, or gather novel information, to self-reflect and make novel associations between remotely connected ideas. Actions/Adventurousness/Exploration - preference for variety. Aesthetics/Artistic Interest Fantasy/Imagination - ability and preference to produce and simulate novel objects, sensations, and ideas in the mind without any immediate input of the senses. Feelings/Emotionality - a person's emotional reactivity to a stimulus. Values/Psychological liberalism/Tolerance to ambiguity

* השאלה נוספה בתאריך: 12-07-2024