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Which subtrait of Agreeableness involves the extent to which a person's judgments and attitudes are determined by emotion?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
The Agreeableness scale trait is primarily meant to measure interpersonal tendencies – concern with cooperation, altruism, and social harmony Tender-mindedness (sympathy) – the extend to which persons judgments and attitudes are determined by emotion. Altruism – measures of selflessness, self-sacrifice, generosity, and consideration, courtesy, and concern for others. Trust - optimism about people and their intentions, believing they are basically decent. Compliance - defined as an individual's typical response to conflict. Modesty – refers to an individual's self-concept (humble and other-focused vs. arrogant and self-aggrandizing). Straightforwardness – honesty in communicating with others vs. self-monitoring (deceitfulness and manipulation).
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
השלושה הראשונים שייכים ל-Compassion, השלושה הבאים שייכים ל-Politeness.

Which subtrait of Agreeableness refers to an individual's self-concept as humble and other-focused versus arrogant and self-aggrandizing?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
The Agreeableness scale trait is primarily meant to measure interpersonal tendencies – concern with cooperation, altruism, and social harmony Tender-mindedness (sympathy) – the extend to which persons judgments and attitudes are determined by emotion. Altruism – measures of selflessness, self-sacrifice, generosity, and consideration, courtesy, and concern for others. Trust - optimism about people and their intentions, believing they are basically decent. Compliance - defined as an individual's typical response to conflict. Modesty – refers to an individual's self-concept (humble and other-focused vs. arrogant and self-aggrandizing). Straightforwardness – honesty in communicating with others vs. self-monitoring (deceitfulness and manipulation).

Which subtrait of Conscientiousness involves the ability and the belief in your ability to “get the job done”?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
Conscientiousness is the tendency to be organized, responsible and hardworking. Achievement Striving - striving to accomplish goals and improve performance. Competence/Self-efficacy – the ability and the belief in your ability to “make the job done”. Self-Discipline/Willpower – the ability to push yourself doing what is needed. Deliberation/Cautiousness – think things trough before acting. Dutifulness – a reliable person who feels a strong sense of duty and moral obligation Order – the need to for order, such that “everything is in its place”.

Which subtrait of Conscientiousness involves a reliable person who feels a strong sense of duty and moral obligation?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
Conscientiousness is the tendency to be organized, responsible and hardworking. Achievement Striving - striving to accomplish goals and improve performance. Competence/Self-efficacy – the ability and the belief in your ability to “make the job done”. Self-Discipline/Willpower – the ability to push yourself doing what is needed. Deliberation/Cautiousness – think things trough before acting. Dutifulness – a reliable person who feels a strong sense of duty and moral obligation Order – the need to for order, such that “everything is in its place”.

Which subtrait of Openness to Experience involves an interest in art and beauty?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
Openness to experience Openness - the tendency to be open to new aesthetic, cultural, or intellectual experiences. Ideas/Intellectual interest- desire to investigate, observe, or gather novel information, to self-reflect and make novel associations between remotely connected ideas. Actions/Adventurousness/Exploration - preference for variety. Aesthetics/Artistic Interest Fantasy/Imagination - ability and preference to produce and simulate novel objects, sensations, and ideas in the mind without any immediate input of the senses. Feelings/Emotionality - a person's emotional reactivity to a stimulus. Values/Psychological liberalism/Tolerance to ambiguity

Which subtrait of Openness to Experience involves tolerance to ambiguity and psychological liberalism?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
Openness to experience Openness - the tendency to be open to new aesthetic, cultural, or intellectual experiences. Ideas/Intellectual interest- desire to investigate, observe, or gather novel information, to self-reflect and make novel associations between remotely connected ideas. Actions/Adventurousness/Exploration - preference for variety. Aesthetics/Artistic Interest Fantasy/Imagination - ability and preference to produce and simulate novel objects, sensations, and ideas in the mind without any immediate input of the senses. Feelings/Emotionality - a person's emotional reactivity to a stimulus. Values/Psychological liberalism/Tolerance to ambiguity

Extraversion can be divided into which two subcategories?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
Gregariousness – integration and cooperation in social groups. Positive Emotions – cheerful approach to life. Warmth (Kindness) -  acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without expecting praise or reward. Excitement Seeking - readiness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of varied, novel, complex and intense experiences. Activity – high energy level, busy all the time. Assertiveness – leadership and/or dominance. Extraversion is the state of primarily obtaining gratification from outside oneself
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
השלושה הראשונים שייכים לאנתוזיאזם, הרביעי שייך לשניהם והשניים האחרונים לאסרטיביות.

Which trait is divided into Compassion and Politeness?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
The Agreeableness scale trait is primarily meant to measure interpersonal tendencies – concern with cooperation, altruism, and social harmony Compassion מכיל את השלושה הראשונים: Tender-mindedness (sympathy) – the extend to which persons judgments and attitudes are determined by emotion. Altruism – measures of selflessness, self-sacrifice, generosity, and consideration, courtesy, and concern for others. Trust - optimism about people and their intentions, believing they are basically decent. ו-Politeness מכיל את השלושה הבאים: Compliance - defined as an individual's typical response to conflict. Modesty – refers to an individual's self-concept (humble and other-focused vs. arrogant and self-aggrandizing). Straightforwardness – honesty in communicating with others vs. self-monitoring (deceitfulness and manipulation).

Conscientiousness can be divided into which two subcategories?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
Conscientiousness is the tendency to be organized, responsible and hardworking. Industriousness מכיל את: Achievement Striving - striving to accomplish goals and improve performance. Competence/Self-efficacy – the ability and the belief in your ability to “make the job done”. Self-Discipline/Willpower – the ability to push yourself doing what is needed. בעוד ש-Orderliness מכיל את: Deliberation/Cautiousness – think things trough before acting. Dutifulness – a reliable person who feels a strong sense of duty and moral obligation Order – the need to for order, such that “everything is in its place”.

Which trait is divided into Intellect and Aesthetic Openness?

מיין לפי
by Shachar Adam
Shachar Adam 0 נקודות · לפני חודש
מוניטין: 126
Openness - the tendency to be open to new aesthetic, cultural, or intellectual experiences. Intellect מכיל רק את: Ideas/Intellectual interest- desire to investigate, observe, or gather novel information, to self-reflect and make novel associations between remotely connected ideas. בעוד ש- Aesthetic Openness מכיל את: Actions/Adventurousness/Exploration - preference for variety. Aesthetics/Artistic Interest Fantasy/Imagination - ability and preference to produce and simulate novel objects, sensations, and ideas in the mind without any immediate input of the senses. Feelings/Emotionality - a person's emotional reactivity to a stimulus. Values/Psychological liberalism/Tolerance to ambiguity